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Year 2020 - A year of Change

The year of 2020 has started out with the COVID-19 pandemic and along with it, we have seen major issues springing up across the world – natural disasters, inhuman treatment by those in authority, fear, anger expressed through looting in commercial centers in the US cities, and the tragedy of the migrants in India that caused them much hardship.

Most people refer to these as “disasters” that are happening one after the other and so did I, until I realized that these are nothing but “signs” of deep change and transformation that is needed in the world.

Technology/internet is allowing us to get a kaleidoscope view of what is happening across the globe while we are locked down in our homes. Year 2020 is definitely a year of change and the media has described this as the ‘new normal’.

In my humble opinion, this year is showing us our “global” mirror and where we have come until now through division and ego. This has been aggravated by fear and anxiety which is being expressed through blame and anger.

It is true that what we focus on grows. Instead of focusing on the negative, maybe these changes are asking us to look within, move towards our own I AM and transform. As each drop of water forms the ocean, each person reaching for spiritual growth, love, compassion, and positivity will add to the higher soul energy of the collective; and move us decisively further into the Age of Aquarius – an age where brotherhood, science, and community will become the main focus.

We are being given the opportunity to overcome our own shadow side whether it be using meditation, chanting, talking, expressing our emotion, praying, affirmations or taking the help of holistic spiritual healing coaches (like Vedic Synergy) to bring about a mind-body-soul transformation.

Yes, we are all feeling confused, scared, anxious, angry, and definitely shaken up by the happenings that seem to feel like the “end of the world”, but instead it would be more productive if each one of us were to look within; along with helping our family, friends, and neighbors to see this as a transition time-- towards a world that we all want – one of peace, justice, respect, love, sisterhood/brotherhood.

We as a collective have to work towards this positive change. We all come from the same source--we cannot hurt others, because in doing so, we are hurting our own energy vibration too. We need to focus on self-love and love/compassion for others, because in giving to others, we heal ourselves as well. After all, we are in this together.

We saw a glimpse of this with the protests across the world after the tragic demise of George Floyd. People came out in large numbers outside of the US too, in order to support the need/cry for justice – not only for George Floyd; but also for humanity in general. There is a desire for a more humane system, a removal of an archaic mindset based on racism and differences, as well as for more stability…. a wonderful glimpse into the notion of universal brotherhood across boundaries!

As a global community, we are at the brink of a paradigm shift. We are all one! If we all could just understand the power that we all hold – in our true selves (our I AM), transform ourselves from the inside-out, we would make a meaningful contribution to the world; and take a positive leap forward towards unity.

Love, respect, and Namaste.

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